
Miami Dolphins' Alec Ingold shares personal adoption journey

During National Foster Care Month in May, Alec is sharing his personal story of adoption, hoping to inspire others

NBC Universal, Inc.

Miami Dolphins fullback Alec Ingold is not just a standout on the field but also a beacon of hope off it. 

Nominated as the Dolphins’ 2023 Walter Payton Man of the Year, Alec is using his platform to support youth in the adoption and foster care community.

During National Foster Care Month in May, Alec is sharing his personal story of adoption, hoping to inspire others. 

Born biracial and adopted into a white family in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Alec faced challenges with his visual identity growing up. Through football and the unwavering support of his adoptive family, he found his voice and strength. 

“And the visual identity piece was very tough for me at a younger age to overcome,” Ingold told NBC 6.

In his efforts to give back, Alec has partnered with ChildNet, an organization dedicated to helping children get placed in foster care.

ChildNet's mission is to ensure that every child has the family, love, and hope they deserve. 

“More and more, it's clear that the most important thing in a child's life, his family, love, hope. And that's what we're striving for," Larry Rein, CEO of ChildNet, told NBC 6.

Alec’s collaboration with ChildNet includes participating in events and initiatives aimed at raising awareness and support for foster care. 

One such event is the 9th Annual Care for Kids Cocktail Reception, scheduled for May 22nd. This special event is a crucial opportunity for the community to come together, learn more about the needs of children in foster care, and find ways to contribute.

ChildNet emphasizes the ongoing need for foster parents and invites the community to their 9th Annual Care for Kids Cocktail Reception on May 22nd. For more information, click here. 

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