Leah Wampler says the past seven days have been terrifying.
“As a mother, I can’t go to sleep,” Wampler said. “I stare at him basically until my body just gives up.”
Her eight-year-old son Zane has been in intensive care at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital since last Friday.
“He’s been hallucinating a lot,” Wampler said. “It’s very very scary. His whole body is very swollen as well as some of his organs.”
Zane was diagnosed with multi-symptom inflammatory syndrome in children, also known as MIS-C, an illness associated with coronavirus.
The first day Zane starting showing symptoms, he had a fever of 105 degrees and was shaking.
“People are saying that it’s not gonna affect children, and there’s this big conversation about school starting,” the mother said. “I never would have thought a month ago that my child would have this.”
According to the CDC, MIS-C is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed like the heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes or brain.
At one point, Zane was on a ventilator.
Wampler says people need to take COVID-19 more seriously.
“Please be aware of how dangerous it is,” she said. “It will affect your children. Wear your mask. Do every precaution you possibly can.”