FanHouse Podcast 5.0: Fired Eagles Facebook Fan, Andre Smith, More

Burning Down the 'House is FanHouse's podcast. Watch out. You might just get what you're after.

Ryan Wilson and Will Brinson aren't rebels. They conform to the letter of the law at every turn. But when you mix in a discussion about Andre Smith (right), an interview with "Fired Eagles Facebook Fan" Dan Leone, and a chat with FanHouse golf expert Shane Bacon, well, things have the potential to get a little risque. Which, surprisingly, is exactly what happened. Kind of.

Leone joins Brinson and Wilson to discuss the same things we previewed for you Wednesday -- his status with the team, what NFL folks have contacted him since the incident, and whether or not he's got a call in to Jackie Chiles. Bacon swings by to talk about Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and ... moobs.

Hit the jump for downloadable segments, or to listen to the whole thing in our embeddable player.

MP3 Segments:
Full Show: Left click to play or right click to download.

Segment 1:Wilson and Brinson talk safety with iPhones, shout out to the folks and then bring on Bacon to spring unnecessary questions about moobs on him. Hilarity ensues, duh.

Segment 2:Wilson and Brinson talk with Leone about all the stuff we mentioned above: will he sue? Will he still pull for the Eagles? And then they cast judgment against all those who dare question their authority. OK, that part doesn't happen, but they do debate what the Eagles should do with the former employee. Click to Listen.

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