Come on, Robin, to the Bat Cave! There's not a moment to lose!
A bull is on the run in Easton. No bull. It escaped from Phillipsburg High School's Barnyard Days.
Yep, we know. That's across the river. Well this bull's not just a runner, he's a swimmer!
The bovine made a bold escape somehow (we're not quite sure how yet) from the school. He took a stroll over by the boat ramp where a Phillipsburg officer tried to corner him. Express Times photographer Tim Wynkoop snapped a shot of the cop vs. bull moment. The barnyard fugitive made his getaway by swimming across the Delaware to Easton.
Police there last saw the bull near the Wawa on Cattell Street. They say he jumped a four-foot fence and headed back toward the river! No bull.
That was about 2:30 a.m. No sightings since. But if you do see him, don't try a "here kitty, kitty"-type call. Run. Or pick up the Batphone.