Miami Approves No Text School Zone

New law is considered the first such text ban in the state

Students can now look both ways before crossing the street to school and not have to worry about being run down by a distracted parent checking their Facebook status.

Well, that's at least the goal of city commissioners who unexpectedly introduced and approved the ban during Thursday night's budget hearing, according to the Miami Herald.

Commission Chairman Joe Sanchez suggested making it illegal for texting on cellphones or Blackberrys while driving in school zones and his colleagues unanimously approved the measure. They did not text in their votes.

The ban might be a bummer for motorists, but should make the streets a little safer for kids. It is considered the first such ban in the state, which usually means it will be challenged soon by someone who can't do without their Blackberry.

State officials have yet to approve the "no text while driving" law, which has been shot down several times by legislators.

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