Teresa Joseph

Dogs And Baby Found Living in Filth in Davie Home

A disturbing discovery was made at a home in a pristine Davie neighborhood after a dog jumped out of the window to attack a groundskeeper.

That near attack opened a Pandora's box and city inspectors found a a child and other dogs living in filth.

NBC 6 exclusively obtained photos of the deplorable conditions inside the house located just off 5-95 and Nob Hill Road. It's not a scene you'd expect in the affluent community, but the people living in the home were allegedly squatters, according to residents and police.

Davie Police and child protective services are trying to figure out what happened inside the home. In one of the photos, feces from dogs can be seen strewn across the home with a child's play pen in the corner.

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Denis Bros represents the homeowner's association for the community. He was surprised by the discovery.

"It's very alarming that people can live in that kind of mess and try to have children," said Bros. Reports show that 12 dogs were inside the property.

A few days ago a special magistrate ordered the home unfit for human occupancy and cited reports of dogs barking inside and sounds of a baby crying. A baby was inside the home. Authorities want to know just how much the child was exposed to.

"Right now, there is an active criminal investigation as far that child and Davie Police Department and Children and Family Services are looking into that matter," said Det. Mark Leone, Davie Police.

Animal control cited Erik Trigo with numerous violations totaling $4,000. Some of the animals were taken and adopted.

NBC 6 went looking for Trigo at his job Thursday. He later called to say the situation went downhill once a family member who used to own the property was foreclosed. Trigo will soon get his day in court when it comes to all the fines by animal control. He told NBC 6's Willard Shepard on the phone he is now doing the right thing and meets frequently with a social worker from the state in an effort to keep his daughter from being removed from his care.

Neighbors say they tried to get something done for months. The home has since been cleaned up.

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