Good News for Two-Hand Bowlers

Okay, you know that one girl who saunters up to the lane, spreads her legs wide, and rears back with two hands sending the bowling ball rolling gently toward the pins? Yeah, well, her style is now PGA sanctioned. Australian bowler Jason Belmonte has caused a stir on the professional bowling circuit with his unorthodox style — he uses both hands to send his ball down the lane. And he's the first professional bowler to bowl with both hands. It's a a technique he learned as a toddler and never quite shook.

His straight-out-of-first-grade style has served Belmonte well in overseas' touney's and now he's trying to make it on the US tour. Though more than a few pro bowlers, with their usual aplomb, saw Belmonte and asked, "Is that even legal?" The answer was yes. Besides the fact that the Pro Bowling Association thinks he can be a superstar (seriously, they said so), he's legetimized legions of two-hand thrusters with what one surly bowler wearing a wrist brace termed his "bitch-bowling" style. Derogations aside, Belmonte is competing in his fourth US tournament in Calofornia this week—giving little-girl bowlers everywhere hope.

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