A South Florida artist is helping to turn the First Lady into a "Female Force" in a new series of superhero comic books.
Artist Vinny Tartamella, of Westin, creates the covers for the new comic book series that features the wonder women of politics, including a new issue hitting shelves April 25 featuring Michelle Obama.
The first two installments of the series featured Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, and another will feature Caroline Kennedy.
"The whole idea sprung from election time...all four of them were pretty much the hot women in politics at the time," Tartamella said.
Tartamella is excited to see his creations earn national attention and possibly become a part of history.
"Barack and Michelle Obama being in the White House, it's very historical," Tartamella said.
There are already 10,000 orders for the Obama book, which will sell for about $4 apiece. Bluewater Comics produces the series.
Tartamella, 28, has even heard positive feedback from at least one Dem superhero.
"Bill Clinton's office actually contacted the publisher and he was excited about the project," Tartamella said. "He was looking for a couple of copies and he wished us luck on the series."
A series called "Political Power," featuring influential male politicians is coming soon.