South Florida

‘It's Terrible': Sudanese in South Florida Worried as Fighting Rages

NBC6 spoke with the president of the Sudanese American Association In South Florida located in Sunrise.

NBC Universal, Inc.

The race is on to evacuate Americans from Sudan where fighting between warring factions is intensifying.

There are an estimated 16,000 American citizens currently in Sudan, many with dual citizenship who may not want to leave, but there are plenty who do and they are getting more desperate by the hour.

NBC6 spoke with the president of the Sudanese American Association In South Florida located in Sunrise.

Many of his family still live in Sudan's capital and are witnessing the violence and bloodshed. He says he's unable to get in touch with his sister.

"Oh God, it is terrible, we have all of our family there, we see the news they killed children, they're killing everything,” Osman said.

The World Health Organization says 400 people have been killed in the fighting. More than 3,000 have been injured. The state department confirms one American has been killed.

The Pentagon is sending troops to a nearby country to prepare to evacuate Americans.

Two sources tell NBC News the Biden administration is considering an evacuation of some 70 U.S. government personnel in Sudan, but a mission to rescue other Americans there is considered too dangerous.

"No one knows how it's going to end, but you heard the US government talking about negotiations, Osman said.

Osman says many Sudanese in South Florida plan to head to D.C. and New York to protest how bad the situation is in Sudan.

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