Jealous Head Stomper Gets 10-Year Sentence

Porsha Dale could have been sentenced to 15 years in prison

A woman who stomped on another woman's head, resulting in a coma that has lasted almost two years, has been sentenced to a decade in prison for her jealous rage.

Porsha Dale, 22, pleaded no contest to aggravated battery and heard her punishment for the 2009 crime Monday.

"It went further than it was supposed to," Dale told the judge. "I never intended for it to go this far."

Dale admitted she lost control when she attacked 31-year-old Bianca Polanco. Dale allegedly sprayed the woman with Mace, knocked Polanco to the ground and then stomped on her face repeatedly until someone finally pulled her off the defenseless victim.

The attack was allegedly over a man both had interest in.

Polanco has never gained consciousness and is currently in a nursing home in Miami in a coma.

Her family was in the Broward courtroom Monday to hear the sentence and received an apology from Dale's family, but not from their daughter's assailant.

Dale had faced a maximum of 15 years in prison, but defense attorneys requested probation and house arrest.

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