Public Can Vote to Name Two Lion Cubs at Busch Gardens

Busch Gardens in Tampa is giving the public the opportunity to name its new lion cub sisters.

People can vote for their favorite names until June 18.

One option is Malaika, which means "angel," and Mlinzi, which means "protector."

The other option is Shtuko, which means "twitch," and Shaba, which means "brazen."

Those interested in voting can log also onto the Busch Gardens Tampa Facebook page.

The sisters were added to the 12,000 animal inhabited park on May 18. A male cub, who was born on Feb. 20, was also added to the park's collection.

Even though the three cubs aren't related, they are all genetically linked to the Kalahari and Kruger regions of South Africa, according to an email statement.

"The addition of the cubs comes as the result of a relationship between Busch Gardens and a private zoological facility in South Africa and enhances the sustainability of lions living in managed care in North America, as well as aids in the parkā€™s breeding program," the statement said.

The cubs are not old enough to be in front of park guests yet. But once they are, guests will be able to see them in the Edge of Africa attraction with other lions and hyenas.

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