Tips Keep Coming About Bad Injections: Cops

Micheal Dillon says the calls come in by the dozen from people claiming to be victims of bad cosmetic procedures involving injections

Every day, Miami Gardens Det. Michael Dillon says he gets tips by the dozen.

“I receive phone call after phone call, and with every phone call, there's at least two or three people associated,” he said. “One person has two or three friends also that's had something similar.”

All, he pointed out, are ashamed to admit they risked their lives to be beautiful.‪​

“I believe one of the victims, the E.R. doctor told her she was less than an hour away from death,” Dillon said.

The flurry of phone calls and tips are all the result of the arrest of Oneal Ron Morris, a 30-year-old transgender woman accused of practicing medicine without a license and serious bodily injury.

Morris is said to have charged hundreds of dollars for injections, which were made up of cement, tire sealant, and mineral oil, among other ingredients.

Currently, Dillon says he has confirmed the stories of two of Morris’ alleged victims.‪​The next stage of the Morris case is underway. Dillon has passed on his findings to state investigators who are preparing to file charges next month.

As that date approaches, another potential victim is calling out for help.

Rajindra Narinesingh, 44, said she believes Morris filled out her face with toxins back in 2007.

“I thought what was injected into me was OK, “ she told NBC Miami.

Dillon is working with NarineSingh on her case, but he says it is still too soon to link her case to Morris.

“I've actually have had a chance to meet with Ms. [Narinesingh] about her case, “ he said. ​“We're trying to determine the area or jurisdiction it would've occurred in.”

Dillon said the Morris case has opened up a network of underground illegal beauty enhancing procedures he was not aware of before.

He and other law enforcement officials are urging anyone who may have been a victim to find the courage to speak out, because he believes there are many more stories like Narinesingh’s out there.


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