Miami-Dade Pet Store Has License Revoked for Dangerous Cages: MDAS

A Miami-Dade pet store had its license revoked for violating the puppy animal cruelty ordinance, county officials said Tuesday.

Cute Puppies, at 9353 Bird Road in Westchester, was storing puppies in cages with no solid surfaces at the bottom, Miami-Dade Animal Services officials said.

The cages have openings that are dangerous for small puppies that get their legs and feet stuck.

Officials said they spent months trying to get the store to comply. Owner Ceneida Gutierrez said she's being unfairly targeted and said the puppies are only on the wire grates for a short time.

Animal Services is providing solid surface cages to the store and the puppies won't be repossessed, officials said. The owners of the store will have to correct the issues before they can appeal the license revocation.

A new Miami-Dade ordinance makes it unlawful for animals to be caged without proper flooring and the shop is the first to have its license revoked because of the new rules.

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