We all need love, but some are willing to pay a little more to find it.
Take Tom Feltenstein for instance. The wealthy businessman decided to broadcast his need for a sweet thing on a gigantic billboard on Interstate 95 in West Palm Beach.
Maybe you've seen it. Feltenstein's pic appears next to a heart with the words: "Have Maid, Have Money, Would Love a HONEY!"
If that romance-laced verse doesn't woo some damsel, then she can't be had.
After all, nothing says "I am independently wealthy, single and desperate" like an over-sized personals want ad on the side of a busy highway for thousands of motorists to see.
But the millionaire, who has been divorced twice, didn't buy the billboard just for himself. Feltenstein wants to school other millionaires like him on how to find love and keep it. He also gives tips to people trying to marry a millionaire.
Some people call that gold digging, but when you're made of money, who really cares.
Feltenstein told WPTV that the billboard is also a part of his marketing plan for his new book, Lucrative Love, The Insider's Secrets to Marrying Millions.
The book may also include a chapter on nursery rhymes and a couple of new variations to the "Roses are red. Violets are blue" poetry line.