Students living in a dorm at ASA College in Hialeah were scrambling to move out of the building Friday after a Fire Marshall classified the building as condemned.
The living conditions are deplorable at the college dorm located on 1950 West 49th Street where approximately 200 ASA college students reside.
Hasaan Williams lived at the dorm during the Fall semester.
"The walls are messed up and there's trash in the hallways and that's just what we're living everyday," said Williams.
Student Brandon Louissieze called the building unsafe and said the it has been in this condition for a couple months.
There are holes in the wall and filth found on the first floor.
The building, owned by the Ramanda Hotel chain, has been deemed uninhabitable by Hialeah's Fire Department.
The department gave student tenants until the end of business day Friday to evacuate.
"The Fire Marshall along with several inspectors went in and what they found was multiple violations, fire code violations, extinguishers missing, extinguishers deployed all over the hallways and the fire system itself is inactive," said Cesar Espino, Hialeah Department.
Some residents allege the building has been infested with mold, but they admit tensions grew when some of the athletes were kicked off the school's football team, prompting them to vandalize the building.
Authorities say because there are no surveillance cameras at the building, there's no way to prove who exactly caused the destruction.
"Kids rebel because things are not exact how they wanted them," said door room coordinator Joseph Medina.
Officials say the college is negotiating with the hotel chain to make repairs and fully secure the facility.
Medina said he hopes the building can be brought up to code by January 13, which is when students are scheduled to move back in.